This was the second time I wanted to quit reading this book, but I knew that they were going to be in some serious trouble up ahead, and so my curiosity got the best of me.

I don't remember now how much I am reading into this "bring the dog" idea, but eventually the dog wore out, had to literally be dragged and then finally left. Perhaps, he would be fighting with an animal, and they could get away while he was busy protecting himself or them. He would protect them from jaguars and boars. Then they brought a dog with them because someone suggested that it would be a great idea. I thought, "Trophy hunting," which I am against, but no, it was for survival. The first time was when he had said that they bought rifles in order to kill animals. I couldn't put the book down although at times I had thought to do just that. What Yossi went through with his four friends was horrendous it was frightening. We spent the night there and were thankful to have gotten out alive. Yet, my friend Julie and I had walked 10 kilometers into one of the jungles of Mexico when trying to get to the ruins of Bonanpak, just 30 miles from the Guatemalan border. I also would have loved to have taken a trip like this one when I was younger, that is, if I had not been such a chicken. Would love to hear their story as well, so it is too bad that Erik didn't write his last name in the book, because then I could try to find him on the internet and if I had found him, I would have let him know that I now have the book and so on.

On the inside of the cover of the book I am reading there is written in ink: "Ron: I think we could have co-authored this book!! Merry Christmas.